Your teen’s financial future starts with what you teach them within the walls of your home. Although it’s tempting to simply pay for all your teen’s expenses and bail them out any time there is trouble, they will learn more from you setting rules and boundaries with them and creating a situation in which they […]
Browsing Category: Family Life
College Thoughts: Social Worker Degree
Those professionals with a social worker degree who work with clients that are experiencing grief and loss issues, report some of the comments that seemed most insensitive when spoken to their bereaved clients, and others going through the pain of a death- yet, for some reason, seem to be the words that come out of […]
Zumu Bike Trailer with Jogger and Stroller Conversion Giveaway
Are you a busy, active parent? The Zumu 3-in-1 is just what you need. Whether you want to pull your little ones behind you on a bike ride through the park … stroll them through a shopping mall … take the dog out on a jog … The ZUMU Bike Trailer will get the job done. […]
Incorporating the Pinterest Board in Your Web Design
Pinterest is one of the best social media sites for eCommerce stores because Pinterest users come to Pinterest in the hopes of finding that perfect gifts for friends, family members, and themselves. According to “Social Media Predictions 2013,” Pinterest took much of the social media world by surprise. Pinterest’s design is a fusion of web […]
Vamplets Rabid Rabbit VamPET
Vampire lovers gather around as I have a plushy character that will make your undead womb bloom with delight. Vamplets or Baby Vampyres were the creation of artist G-Ra, who maternal instinct towards these diapered demons was so powerful that her team began to question if she herself was an actual vampire. While verdict is still out on […]
Common but Scary Skin Conditions Your Baby May Develop
Many of the common skin conditions that infants develop are nothing serious. Baby acne just requires a thorough cleansing while heat rash generally requires cooling the infant and washing the affected areas. These conditions typically look fairly innocuous, but other common skin conditions can look quite frightening. Here are some of the skin conditions your […]
“Today we’ve got to play!” sponsored by Gymboree
The folks at Gymboree want you to join them in celebrating and sharing cherished moments in childhood. Gymboree has created an amazing new video to help kick off this campaign and I am thrilled to share it with you. This video is truly touching and must be watched by all parents. So watch and enjoy, then share […]
Pleygo is the Netflix for Legos!
Pleygo is a Netflix like service for Legos! Subscribe, rent, play, and exchange sets of LEGOs unlimited times per month. Shipping is always free both ways and sets are sanitized when returned. They offer a convenient, quick, and inexpensive solution that relieves clutter and saves space at home while saving money. Co-Founded by influential parenting blogger and creator […]