This shop has been compensated by Blog Meets Brand and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #SmellYaLater
Confidence Starts with Good Hygiene. So as a mom of a tween-going-on-teen son, this is a struggling area of our daily lives. We found a lack of bodycare products made specifically for young men. Adult formulas are fine except as my son is learning, they can be overpowering when not used sparingly. This is where Prep U comes in. Leading the way to a “smell ya later” vibe and allowing my guy to walk through the school halls with confidence.

Over the last two years, my guy can be somewhat stinky. To the point even teachers have mentioned it during conference time. Of course, they also make a point to say that many of his male peers are experiencing the same issues and parents just aren’t aware.
My first thought was “how embarrassing.” Then, “Come on dude; just take a shower!” Though for some reason, the idea of good hygiene is foreign to budding teenage boys for the most part. At least this is what fellow moms with teen boys tell me. While it is confusing for me as a mom and a woman, I guess teenagers are just on a whole different level. Struggling with their independence may very well roll over into the fight between when mom says it is time to get clean versus when he wants to. I do know Dylan’s first response to my shower time command is a deep groan. At this age, he seems too busy with his own activities to take a break and bathe.

This left me searching for a resolution that would keep me sane and him smelling at least half-way clean everyday. We found sanity in Prep U, a company that believes in providing choices for parents and tween/teen boys that are both age-appropriate and empowering at this critical stage of development. Providing award-winning hygiene products for kids that moms agree with, Prep U is the rockstar of his morning routine now.

For us, Prep U Charcoal Deodorant, the 2018 Eco Excellence Award Winner for Best Skincare for Kids, was the best solution for Dylan. He preferred a solid that was easy to glide on even after a shower. I was looking for a products that was 100% Natural, 100% Aluminum-Free with no baking soda. This natural charcoal deodorant was the ideal size and consistency for his teenage body and fit my checkpoint list of ingredients.

Prep U is new to our daily hygiene routine but over the last two weeks, I have seen a change in my son. He still needs that push to actually get into the shower but no longer needs a reminder to put on his deodorant before heading to school. Somewhere along the way, Dylan made the choice to make the change. I want to think I had something to do with it but it is more likely that he found it cool that there was a product out there made just for him (and fellow boys). Either way, I will take the win!
While there is a clear lack of products targeting tween/teenboys, Prep U provides boys something that girls have had for decades – products that they can grow with that help promote self confidence. Prep U aims to enable tweens and teens to have positive self images. Together, we are changing the way bodycare is done and building a stronger and less stinky youth!
amazing product
Sounds great! Every boy needs this!
Very convenient solution. Nice product you shared
Teens needall the confidence they can get. Jr and Sr high are tough years at best. Great post.