Chaheati was developed from an important observation I made on a cold November night sitting around a bonfire. On this particular night everyone (more so my wife) was warm and toasty on the front half of their bodies and a block of ice on the back half. While watching my wife’s comical frustrations from repeatedly […]
Finally a stroller meant for my king! Zooper Tango Double Stroller Review & Giveaway
As a brand, Zooper is a relative newcomer. Zooper was first introduced in America in 1999 and since then has been competing well with better known names in the stroller business. Specialty stores, known to set demanding product standards for their merchandise, immediately recognized the quality, value and appeal of Zooper. On top of this, […]
The Infiniti Pro by Conair Spin Air Brush Review & Giveaway
The Infiniti Pro by Conair™ Spin Air Brush Want to put a new spin on your hair styling routine? Smooth, frizz-free and voluminous hair is now easy to achieve with the new Infiniti Pro by Conair™ Spin Air Brush! Shaped like a typical round hair brush you’d use to do a blow-out, the Spin Air […]
A Man’s Best Friend: Favorite Human/Animal Duos in Film + Mr. Popper’s Penguins #Giveaway
A Man’s Best Friend: Favorite Human/Animal Duos in Film Enter to Win Your Very Own Copy of the DVD, Available Dec. 6 In many films, the closest bond between man and beast is not just with a typical pet, but also with unlikely creatures, like Mr. Popper’s unbreakable bond with his penguins. Here we will […]
“Commit A Minute” to Holiday Safety with The Muppets & Fandango Ticket #Giveaway
[youtube=] Kermit, Beaker and Bunsen discovered that the main cause of holiday fires involve decorations (56%) and the first item ignited because of this are Christmas trees (21%). That’s why Dr. Dr. Honeydew Bunsen, his assistant Beaker and Kermit the Frog created a short video at the UL Labs encouraging families to “Commit A […]