When traveling with children, there’ll be a few things that are as daunting as taking the bus. This isn’t to say that buses aren’t safe or don’t feel comfortable, but you have to consider all the extra factors involved, most especially when traveling with kids.
If you’re planning an intercity trip by taking a bus from New York to Baltimore with your young ones, for instance, it’s crucial how you can lessen the hassle of it all. That said, here are some tips for making sure everyone has a safe and comfortable time while traveling with your kids:
- Make Sure You Have Enough Snacks
If you have kids, they’ll likely want snacks every once in a while. But, make sure to opt for the healthier options instead of the usual candies or cookies. Many kids actually love crackers and fruit snacks. You can also try granola bars, but be sure not to give your kids too much sugar.
Snacks should be easy for your kids to eat and, in some cases, even share with other passengers on the bus ride.
- Bring Pillows
Just as you might bring a pillow on any other flight, you should bring some on your bus trip. Pillows are suitable for kids of all ages, and they can help them fall asleep more easily. Additionally, pillows can make kids feel comfortable and secure, helping them relax more, too.
If you’re taking a long bus trip, like one across the country, it might be worth bringing along an inflatable mattress or cot, so your kids won’t have to sleep sitting up on their seats.
- Have A Plan For Bathrooms And Rest Stops
When you’re planning your bus trip, it’s important to remember that there are no bathroom breaks on the road. Therefore, you may consider using the bathroom before leaving and checking out any rest stops along your route in advance.
If you find yourself with nowhere else to go or an emergency arises while on the road, like needing a diaper change, here are some effective recommendations for such types of cases:
- Make sure everyone has their bag of snacks and beverages, so they don’t have to share with others, especially if they don’t want to.
- Have extra diapers and baby wipes handy in case someone gets sick or dirty during travel time.
- Keep Your Kids Busy With Activities
Bring a toy or game. Your young kids will get bored while on the bus and may get into mischief, so it’s essential to bring a thing or two for them to play with.
A tablet loaded with games and other kid-friendly apps would be a great idea. But, if you don’t have one, you can also bring small books, coloring books, crayons, small balls, or other small toys that are easy to pack.
- Keep All Of Your Important Items Close By
You want to ensure that all of your essential items are within reach. That way, you can quickly grab them if the need arises.
Keep your wallet, phone, and other valuables close by in a bag or backpack that sits securely on the seat next to you. Keep your kids’ favorite toys and books close by as well. Don’t pack too many things into one bag as it’ll be easy for someone to accidentally knock it over while getting on board or off the bus at their stop.
- Pack For The Worst-Case Scenario
It’s way better to be prepared for any situation than to be surprised, so pack extra clothes, food, diapers, and wipes. If the weather forecast says you’re up for some chilly ride, bring warm clothes and blankets. Also, don’t forget to bring extra clothes in case someone gets too sweaty or spills their food onto their shirt or pants.
It can be hard to carry everything you need on a bus with kids, so pack only what’s necessary. You don’t want to be weighed down by heavy bags or have trouble getting off the bus because you’ve packed too much stuff.
- Make Sure You Know About Bus Rules And Regulations
Get to know the rules and regulations for your bus line. It’s important to know what you’re allowed to bring on board and how much luggage you can carry.
Other crucial things you need to be aware of are if you need a reservation for your pet(s), as well as what the rules are on smoking on the bus or if there are designated smoking areas, among many others.

A bus trip with kids can initially seem overwhelming, but it’s much more manageable than you think. Don’t forget to pack all the essentials, your kids’ favorite toys and snacks, and extra clothes, among others, so they won’t get bored and feel comfortable throughout the bus ride. This way, you can have exciting trips when traveling with kids.