Bubber, the award-winning and lightest modeling compound on earth! This easy-to-use product feels great in your hands, and since it is so lightweight, you can mold just about anything. Bubber is a super-soft compound that leaves clean, sharp lines and takes amazing imprints.
Bubber is non-toxic, leaves no stain or residue and never dries out, so you can play with it over and over. It is great for developing fine motor skills! Bubber is available in six beautiful colors and comes in a handy bucket for easy storage.
Information for Parents and Teachers
Bubber is excellent for developing fine motor skills. It leaves no residue on your hands and is great for sensory therapy. Bubber is also great for kids with allergies – it is wheat, gluten and casein free and 100% safe and non-toxic. Made by: WABA Fun

What the Momma thinks…
The first thing that comes to mind when I think about Bubber is the benefits to using this compound vs what many of us use now for molding activities. Number one benefit in my book is that it does not dry out! I cannot tell you how many times my older children have been crafting in the playroom and we all went off to another activity and forgot to put our dough away. We come back to that spot the next day and it is all ruined. To me that is just a waste and it happens more often in a year than I would like to admit.
Next big plus, plus with Bubber is the no residue. After molding with clay or dough, it never fails that hands and even clothes occasionally become stained. While this is just a noticeable nuisance and not harmful, I would prefer not have it happen at all. By switching to Bubber that is solved.

Only disappointment I found in Bubber is the amount of product you receive. One 5 oz container is enough to create a small hut style house or a figure and maybe even a fish but you will need at least three buckets for active play.
Bubber makes a great gift ideal for blooming artist, classrooms and nice stocking stuffers if you have a larger stocking.
Note: We selected to donate our sample of Bubber to the local angel tree. Doing our part to ensure that every child receives something for Christmas this year.

BUY IT: Purchase Bubber from http://www.wabafun.com and Fat Brain Toys.