Best Summer Games For The Whole Family

Summer is here and it is a wonderful time to go outside, get some sun and have some fun. Its fun to go to amusement parks or swimming but those can be pricey and require your family too look their best in childrens designer wear. There is plenty to do in your own backyard that your kids will love and have a blast playing. Most of these games are great for kids of all ages and will make you want to spend more time outside with the whole family. You can find most of these online or in most stores like Target or Walmart. Have a great and enjoyable summer with your family and remember to be safe!



This yard game is one of the funnest and easy to play. It requires almost no athletic skills and little to no energy. So anyone can play this one at any time. You do not need a huge back yard to play this one and you can determine the size of the court as well which makes this great for all ages. You can get sets fairly cheap and they are about $30 and up. You do get what you pay for when it comes to Croquet sets. The cheaper sets tend to have soft balls that get chewed up and eventually wont roll straight as possible.

Yard Darts

Yard Darts

This is yet another classic yard game for the whole family. This one however was banned and you could not find it on the market at all. The reason is that back in the day they would make the tip of the darts metal so they would stick better in the ground. You can only imagine how many kids got injured playing this game, and how many parents had to take their kid to the hospital. Now days you can buy the game again and they are completely safe and made out of plastic tips. Sometimes they dont stick in the ground as nice but it is still easy to tell where they landed. This is one that you want to make sure that everyone is a little bit more safe just to avoid any unwanted hospital trips.



This one might not be as popular as the other two but it is incredibly addicting. Players line up blocks of wood across from each other and try to knock them down. You can find this mostly online but one of the great joys about this is that you can easily (very easily) make your own set. You visit any hard wear store you would like and buy some wood and your set to go. You can take this with you camping or anywhere. If one of the pieces break then you can easily replace it. This is sure to become a instant classic in your family.

Ladder Golf

Ladder Golf

Another easy DIY yard game that anyone can make. Most of you have probably seen these at tailgates or people playing them all over. Its made out of pvc pipe and golf balls. Its great for all ages because you can determine how close you get to stand to the ladder and make it easier for the younger ones. You can also find these online but its one of those yard games that would be a lot cheaper if you spent a hour making a set that will last longer too.

Bocce Ball

Bocce Ball

This is another game that is comparable to most yard games where you just aim for the target. You take basically what feel like croquet balls and throw them at this ping pong sized ball further out on the grass. Closest one to the ball gets one point and if your ball is touching it then you get two points. This is a really simple game but great for the whole family and easy to learn. This game is gaining popularity and can be found in many stores now days.

About the author
Mrs. Hatland is a 30-something married, mom of 7 and the face behind the popular online publication, Motherhood Defined. Known as the Iowa Mom blogger by her local peers and “The Fairy Blogmother” worldwide. She has professional experience in working closely with clients on brand ambassadorships, client outreach services, content creation and creative social media advertising exposure.

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