Zoobies, LLC was created by two young brothers who shared a common desire to invent something that was fun, innovative and functional. Coming from a large family of nine children, they saw the need to consolidate what one could bring on long road trips and family excursions; something to make life easier for mom. So […]
The One Stop Christmas Hop ~ Sumo Lounge Bean Bag Chairs Review
Looking for a perfect 10? Omni beanbag chairs, the original super-sized beanbags from Sumo has your number: Omni Beanbag Chair Features Choose the color of your beanbag chair – 10 achingly fashionable colors to choose from Configure your beanbag chair in 10 different positions (discovered so far – some say we lack imagination) Our giant […]
Walmart Baby Steps, solutions for all of your baby’s needs
I can remember coming home with my first daughter like it was yesterday. All of the flooded, hormonal emotions from joy to fear built like a skyscraper in my chest as we drove home from the hospital with our bundle of joy. What was even worse was that we were more than eight hundred miles […]
I am using Ebates to earn cash back on my holiday purchases!
Ebates is the pioneer and leader of online Cash Back Shopping. The company was founded in 1998 by two Deputy District Attorneys in Silicon Valley who used to prosecute online fraud & identity theft before starting Ebates (so you can be sure we are very into secure online transactions!). So go ahead, sign up and […]
BABY born Dance With Me Baby Review
The BABY born Dance With Me Baby is on our top ten most wanted toys for girls this holiday season. From the moment this sweet face started dancing on TV, my youngest daughter made note to add to her Santa list. Now she has become a dancing partner for my toddler, who likes to get down and […]