Being a single parent is never easy, especially when you’re in a difficult financial situation. You have to deal with bills piling up, keep a close eye on your credit situation, and cope with inevitable expenses. However, there is a light at the end of the tunnel and tons of resources that you can use […]
Reindeer In Here Changed The Way We Do Christmas #DifferentIsNormal
Reindeer In Here (book and plush set) is a Christmas friend sent by Santa as an early first of the holiday season to get to know each individual child and celebrate that being different is normal. As daily adventures unfold between child and Reindeer, the Reindeer learn about each child and help Santa deliver their […]
Three Online Safety Tips to Help You This Holiday Season
This article is sponsored by Google. All opinions are mine alone. Have you ever experienced fraudulent charges on your credit or bank accounts? How about an email or user account being hacked into and taken over by some unknown? Nearly every member of my household from adult to even my youngest whom is nine has. […]
The Hottest Disney Toys This Holiday Season + Giveaway
The Disney Store 2019 Top Holiday Toys is the list for watch for. This year marked only the second of what we bet will quickly become an annual holiday list of must-haves for Disney fans and gift-givers alike. Top items include toys inspired by everyone’s favorite Disney, Pixar, Marvel and Star Wars characters including the Toy Story […]
Enhance Your Parenting Skills in 2020
There are a lot of things that you need to think about as a modern parent, and trying to become a better mother or father in 2020 should be one of your key goals. There is no book on parenting that is going to lay out precisely what you need to do to win Parent […]