Fantastic Career Opportunities for Working Moms

Fantastic Career Opportunities for Working Moms

Finding a proper work-life balance as a working mom can be downright stressful. Between all the events you and your kids want to be a part of, the day-to-day duties motherhood throws on you, and the responsibilities of a job that makes enough money to support a family, it’s a surprise that any working mom can find that all-important work-life balance. However, some careers are almost tailor-fit to the needs of working moms, so there is hope for those who have desperately searched for a position that can get them home every night while still making a solid income. To help guide those who feel lost, here are some examples of fantastic career opportunities for working moms: 

Real Estate Investor

Real estate investing can be tricky, but with the right know-how and guidance, you can make major money by renting out vacation and living properties. Not only is this a position that can make you rich, but it will allow you to work from home, and have a schedule that’s much more lax and flexible than any other position on this list. And there is a ton of property available for real estate investors in the past few years. If you want to be a full-time mom but still bring in tons of capital for your family, this is the position for you. 

Dental Hygienist 

The medical industry is often seen as one of the worst for work-life balance. However, this is not true for every position in the medical industry, especially when it comes to dental hygienists. Working hours rarely go into the night, allowing dentists to get home to their families after every shift. For working moms who want a prestigious career that makes a comfortable income, and who love the opportunity to keep people healthy, this career is difficult to beat. 

Fitness Trainer

If you’re dedicated to fitness, you can make a solid income by spreading your love. Fitness trainers benefit from excellent flexibility in their hours, and if you work solo as a contractor, you can even have your choice of clients. Not only will this keep you healthy and active, but it will give you the space you need to find a wonderful work-life balance. For working moms who enjoy being on their feet and keeping their blood pumping, becoming a fitness trainer will prove to be a dream job. 

Elementary School Teacher

If you absolutely cannot get enough of children, becoming an elementary school teacher is sure to be a dream job. Not only will you be able to work day after day in helping develop their social skills and smarts, but you’ll be off of work by four in most cases. Who knows, maybe you’ll even have the luxury of your kid being in your class at some point. For working moms, the flexibility and job satisfaction (not to mention the on-job training that will make you a more effective parent) will prove highly attractive. 

Social Media Manager

Working from home is one of the best perks a new mom can have. If you’re a working mom who wants to stay around a newborn or toddler as much as possible, finding work as a social media manager is the way to go. Not only are there plenty of jobs out there, but it’s easy to find entry-level positions in this industry. You’ll be helping to manage the social media presence of companies, and maybe you’ll even land a client that you have a true passion for. All the while, you’ll be right next to your child as they grow up (an invaluable perk). 

School Counselor 

If you want to work with children, but are not quite fit to handle a whole pack of wildlings every day, becoming a school counselor is an excellent alternative. You’ll need more qualifications, so this is a job that will require a few years to achieve if you’re not already on a counseling career path, but it will be invaluable to the community you’re serving. And if you land this important job, you’ll once again have the luxury of being home every night to spend time with your family. 

Your Dream Job is in Within Your Reach

Whether you’re aiming for one of the jobs that have plenty of entry-level positions, or on the path to one that is more qualification-heavy, it’s never too late to make a career change so that you can have a fantastic work-life balance. Having the ability to be there while your kids grow up is simply invaluable, and is the best job perk possible for a working mom. After all, you can never get those years back, and having a less stressful job will allow you to enjoy those precious years that much more.

About the author
Mrs. Hatland is a 30-something married, mom of 7 and the face behind the popular online publication, Motherhood Defined. Known as the Iowa Mom blogger by her local peers and “The Fairy Blogmother” worldwide. She has professional experience in working closely with clients on brand ambassadorships, client outreach services, content creation and creative social media advertising exposure.

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