Need relief from cold symptoms?
Try these helpful tips from nurse practitioner, Barb Dehn:
• The best way to prevent a cold is to keep germs away. Preventing the spread of germs means taking time to wash, lather and rinse your hands, in about the same time it takes to sing “Happy Birthday.” 1 (That’s approximately 20 seconds). It also never hurts to keep a stocked medicine cabinet, so you aren’t caught off guard if you do get sick. Try Robitussin® Multi-Symptom Cold, which relieves nasal congestion, coughing and chest congestion all in one formula.
• If you get a cold, you should take a day or two to really rest and let your body recover!2 In addition to rest, fluid intake is extremely important while combating a cold. Even if you don’t feel thirsty, it is still important to sip on something (even a popsicle!), because the added fluids help thin out the mucus.3,4
• If you have a sore throat keeping you under the weather, one of the best ways to soothe it is with some warm salt water. Mix up ¼ to ½ teaspoon of salt in eight ounces of warm water and then gargle to relieve some of that scratchy, raw feeling in your throat. 3,4
• Over-the-counter medicines, like the Robitussin® line of products can also help relieve cold symptoms such as coughing, nasal or chest congestion and sneezing. When choosing a product, look for medicine that will treat your specific symptoms and take care not to accidentally overmedicate by carefully reading the medication/ label. Be sure to talk to your healthcare provider if you are taking more than one medication at a time and have any questions or concerns.3,4
Sources: 1 – CDC: 2 – CDC: 3 – American Academy of Pediatrics: conditions/ear-nose-throat/Pages/Caring-for-a-Child-with-a-Viral-Infection.aspx 4 – Mayo Clinic:
About Barb

Barb wrote and publishes a series of innovative and award-winning women’s health guides on Fertility, Pregnancy, and Breastfeeding. Her Blue Orchid Guides have been used by millions of women across the country and were designed to “Empower Women with Information.” Women’s Physicians: Barb practices with Women Physicians in the heart of Silicon Valley. She has over 20 years experience listening to and caring for women. She’s helped countless women and couples navigate their way through infertility, pregnancy, breastfeeding, and menopause. She’s adept at explaining complicated health matters in a straightforward, easy to grasp, friendly style. 100 Women: Barb is a founding board member of the 100 Women Charitable Foundation.
Information provided by JYK Public Relations