If you have set out with your family on a road trip, you may be wondering how you can make use of those long hours in the car for education. While you don’t want to make your kids feel like your vacation is school time, you do want to utilize the things around you to […]
Browsing Category: Family Life
7 Parenting Strategies for Dealing with Defiant Children
Parenting is not for the faint of heart, especially if you have stubborn or defiant children. You need to be prepared and more determined than your children are in order to help them get through the issues that arise. Having a game plan in place is crucial for your success and theirs. Consider incorporating these […]
What is Oppositional Defiant Disorder?
Are any of your children difficult to handle? Maybe they are defiant, foul-tempered, or hard to get along with for more than five minutes. It might not be about your parenting but about their condition. Your children could be suffering from Oppositional Defiant Disorder or ODD. Kids will be Kids That’s what old folks used […]
Make the Kitchen a Classroom
Each year, families spend a lot of time in the kitchen together during the holidays. These moments not only make happy memories, but can be teachable moments as well, where children can learn valuable knowledge about the world around them. Cooking can be used as a creative way to engage kids in science, technology, engineering […]
4 Thinking Errors Defiant Children Use Against Their Parents
We have all fallen victim to erroneous thinking. Sometimes we use it on purpose to make ourselves feel better about making a bad choice. Well, defiant children know how to use them to. However, if their errors in thinking are not challenged, they hold onto them and this can be detrimental later in life. The […]
Make Mealtime Meaningful for Families and Furry Friends
Coming together for a shared meal is a simple yet important way for families to bond and create memories with one another. There’s no better time than right now to bring everyone together around the dinner table – including your four-legged friends – for a delicious, healthy meal. These tips can help make mealtime even […]
Ideas to Celebrate Christmas
We bet you are already wondering about what can be called a seasonal dilemma. How do we celebrate Christmas this year? Almost everyone loves the season that brings the holidays, especially Christmas. It is all about the fondness for traditions, the childhood nostalgia, the delight of decorating, the music and the lights. But even if […]
Homeschooling STEM Through Winter Break, Circuit Scribe Style
We have a mixed school system in our home. My oldest are both homeschooled after my daughter’s major surgery several weeks back and my boys are still happy attending public school where they can learn and see their friends five days a week. Having the benefit of a brilliant, scientific husband and my teaching knowledge, […]