Browsing Category: Baby

SoftBums Omni, Rumparooz, Smart Bottoms and Best Bottom Cloth Diaper Giveaway #24Flash

Today is the LAST DAY of the Cloth Reviews Grand Opening Giveaway Event! Together with 20+ bloggers and 10 cloth diaper retailers, we have hosted 5 days of cloth diaper giveaways to celebrate the launch of a brand new website,! A long-awaited and much-needed resource, Cloth Reviews serves the whole cloth diaper community by […]

BumGenius Elemental, FuzziBunz, Blueberry and Kissa’s Contour Cloth Diapers Giveaway #24Flash

Welcome to Day 4 of the Cloth Reviews Grand Opening Giveaway Event! Together with 20+ bloggers and 10 cloth diaper retailers, we are hosting 5 days of cloth diaper giveaways to celebrate the launch of a brand new website,! Finally there is a website devoted to consumer-submitted reviews of cloth diapers! To kick start […]

Best For Baby: Pediped Originals Review

Pediatricians and podiatrists agree:  soft, flexible footwear is best for children’s developing feet.  Originals are the “next best thing to bare feet” and allow children to feel the ground and grip as they walk while adding gentle protection to their feet.  Our roomy toe box makes Originals the most comfortable shoe that a child will […]