Browsing Month: January 2014

Raspberry M&M Bark Recipe

Huge fan of sweet treats for holiday occasions. Bark really takes the top of the list when you are looking for something that is easy to create and delicious all at the same time. Another big plus is that these creamy desserts package well and make grand gifts that your receivers will never forget. Happiness […]

Poppy Tattoo Cover-Up #InkedMom

When people meet me, they always seem to be surprised. I have been told my positive energy is contagious and I leave my mark on those I come in contact with. I guess you can say my online personality is dull compared to real me. So many suggested that I start sharing my true personality […]

Upgrade your Inner Geek Goddess at an Intel Experience Store near you + Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 Giveaway

Shabam! Intel Experience Stores are open in LA, Chicago and NYC. These very gadget-savvy stop are available to educate geek goddess such as myself {and everyone else as well} about the latest Intel-based devices on the market today. Throughout the next couple weeks, people are being invited to come into the Intel Experience Stores to enjoy a range of […]