Introducing office 365 to your business is probably the best decision you could ever make. You get to add value to your company and discover various ways to make it more successful. Don’t worry if you can’t seem to get your way around this platform. Soon, you’ll not only discover the tips and tricks to get you started on it, but you will also understand deeply what this Microsoft office software tool is, its features, and what it offers. Stay tuned.
So, what is this Microsoft office tool?
This Microsoft office 365 refers to everything cloud-based services like outlook, excel, word, etc., that collectively work together or collaborate to increase your business’s productivity. Like other web-based email platforms, this tool also has a web link for contacts, tasks, calendars, and emails.
But, it has some extra features, which make it stand out from the crowd. These additional features will enable you to save and backup your most important documents on the cloud, share them with other users, access your files and documents on the go, and collaborate with other users instantly, among other benefits.
What are the great features of this platform?
You could be wondering why you need this software. Its fantastic features will get you off your feet to get started. See below;
• It has an outlook web app that manages your contacts, calendar, emails, and tasks. You only need a web browser that is supportive of it to access your emails and tasks using any device.
• It has OneDrive for your business, with unlimited cloud capacity to enable you to store, you’re your files & even share them with others. This is the most critical aspect of this software tool that you need for the success of your business.
• Did you know about the office online? Since this Microsoft office software is compatible with all web browsers, the online feature enables you to work on cloud files from any device, and you can even collaborate with them instantly.
• Another great feature of this software is the Microsoft Team, which brings people with a common goal together, along with every single thing they need to make it happen. It allows them to collaborate to achieve even more important things.
Now that you’ve learned a bit about this software, it’s time you get started with it. Below mentioned are some tips & tricks that you so much need to kick off.
• You first need to check out its dashboard
The concept is the same as the start menu in windows 10; it avails all the links to your Apps, shows you the files you recently accessed, gives a share point section to your other files, and a search bar to find your contacts. The friendly dashboard interface will enable you to find your way around this Microsoft tool, as you’ll be able to witness all the happenings here.
• Looking for another tip, you probably need to try out this feature; Microsoft Teams
Microsoft Teams are a necessity for your business. This feature allows you to collaborate with your employees in your quest to achieve the set goals from wherever they are. Through Microsoft Teams, you can increase your productivity levels, monitor everything your employees do and create a shared network channel where you can all chat about different topics such as healthy living.
• Don’t leave Microsoft Panner out
This is another excellent tip for beginners. Microsoft planner is known to reduce tasks in the office by creating different groups and lists for the said tasks. The beauty of such a feature is that you can uniquely name these task lists, assign other people or groups in your team, and set their due dates from the most urgent tasks to the least urgent. This will give you a clear view of your business’s progress.
• Remember to configure OneDrive for business
You probably need more space for all your business activities, such as receipts, emails, invoices, files, photos, etc. This software offers unlimited storage in the cloud. The fact that you can easily access them and share them on the go within the company through the provided OneDrive links makes it even more enjoyable.
• Back up your office PCs
OneDrive for business’s unlimited space is also an opportunity for you to backup all your machines on the cloud. This will ensure you don’t lose a single piece of information if a virus attack as OneDrive for business is protected against such threats.
• Explore all the additional features that come with the web outlook
If you subscribe to this Microsoft Office software, the subscription comes along with Microsoft exchange. The Microsoft exchange feature allows you to create your domain name to schedule meetings with your team, share the time with them, manage your calendar, etc. When you realize you made a mistake, you can recall the email and rectify your mistake before sharing it back.
• Don’t overlook the office online feature
This feature doesn’t confine you to the four corners of your office. As long as your mobile device’s web browser is compatible with this Microsoft Office software, you can work and collaborate your documents in real-time, anywhere.
There are undoubtedly no better tips than the ones outlined above. Nothing can stop you now.