7 Tips for Preparing for High School

7 Tips for Preparing for High School

Finally, it’s happening–your child is growing up. They are entering their first year of high school, and you might all be a little nervous. How can you best help prepare your child for high school? Here are a few tips you can implement to make that first day a little less nerve-wracking. 

1. Buy School Supplies

School supplies for high school aren’t terribly different than school supplies for middle schoolers. They still have notebooks, pencils, etc.–however, in high school, occasionally pens are required for writing in-class essays. Check out your local Target or WalMart for back-to-school deals, so that your child can be best prepared for the upcoming school year. 

2. Meet the Teachers

Some schools allow you to meet with the teachers beforehand. This way, you can clearly understand your child’s teachers and their curriculums and expectations. In this way, you can help keep your child accountable in the classroom to help ensure their success. If something in the future occurs where you may need to deal with your child’s conflict, it’s good to establish rapport with your child’s teacher beforehand. 

3. Talk to Your Child

Strong communication between parent and child is proven to be helpful, especially in the child’s adolescent period. Ask your child the standard questions: are they nervous to be starting a new school? Are they excited? What classes are they most looking forward to taking? Which classes are they concerned about? Don’t be afraid to check in with your child to know their emotional well-being. Remember, there are no wrong answers. This is just a good way to build a closer bond with your teen.

4. Research Extracurriculars

See if your child’s school offers any extracurriculars that may be of interest to your child. Maybe your child is incredibly interested in art history, or poetry, or even niche categories of science. Researching extracurricular courses they can be enrolled in might be helpful, as you and your child can discuss what would best serve your child and their personal development. 

5. Show Support

What children, especially teens need, more than anything is the support of their parents. If your child feels discouraged about entering high school, or insecure and unsure about the choices they are going to make, let them know you are there for them and that you trust and support their decisions. Sometimes, all kids need to hear is that they’re going to be alright–and if they’re not, their parents are there for them. 

6. Vitamins 

Above all, make sure that your child is healthy. Emotional health and wellness are directly connected to physical wellness, so grab a pack of vitamins (C, D, B, you know the drill) and make sure your kids are taking them every day. Before school, or before bed are wonderful ways to establish routine and structure for your children, and let them know you care. And with flu season coming up, it’s helpful to stay healthy as well! 

These are just a few ways you can help prepare your child for high school. Although it can seem incredibly daunting (for both child AND parent), it’s something that can be survived together with proper communication. 

7. Attend a Quality Middle School

By and large, one of the best ways to prepare your child for attending high-school can be achieved by enrolling them in a high-quality middle school. Much like college prep, there are numerous middle school programs that can help your child prepare for success in high-school. 

While some middle schools have a focus on particular studies, there are also middle schools that use a more comprehensive approach when it comes to preparing students for future success. 

For example, there are programs such as the ones provided by the Academies of Math & Science that encourage a balanced education for their students. Many schools such as AMS have classes that focus on math and science as well as other subjects like music and foreign language. In the end, programs like AMS are a great way to give your children the skills they need to build in order to succeed in high school and beyond.

About the author
Mrs. Hatland is a 30-something married, mom of 7 and the face behind the popular online publication, Motherhood Defined. Known as the Iowa Mom blogger by her local peers and “The Fairy Blogmother” worldwide. She has professional experience in working closely with clients on brand ambassadorships, client outreach services, content creation and creative social media advertising exposure.


  1. Some changes to preparations now as the high school system changes slowly as well. I think that these tips are great for a guideline.

  2. These are great tips to help your child transition into high school smoothly. Attending High school can be made a lot less stressful if you are properly prepared!

  3. the teenage years do not have to be made so hard but being a teen in school is the hardest thing yet and anything that can be
    done or said to make it easier on any child should be done

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