It’s important to secure your home in order to keep your family and possessions safe from harm. A burglary can be a very traumatic experience and you should do everything you can to prevent this from happening.
Security Around the House
All of your outside doors should be fitted with five lever mortice locks, as recommended by the Metropolitan Police. Never go to bed or leave the house empty without locking outer doors and windows. It is often sheer carelessness that makes properties an attractive target for thieves. It’s a good idea to go round your house before bed and check that the windows and doors are secure. Not every home has a burglar alarm, but these devices can really help to put your mind at rest. If you have young children, pets or are prone to getting up in the night, it’s important to choose an alarm system that won’t be triggered by this kind of domestic activity.
The Outside of Your Home
Invest in some security lights for your front garden and porch, the automatically illuminate whenever someone approaches your house. Motion sensitive lights are also useful in the back garden, as they will prevent intruders from sneaking up to the house. They will also make it easier for you to complete domestic tasks in the garden after dark. Keep your front and back garden tidy and well-maintained, will all trees, bushes and shrubs clipped back. This reduces the likelihood of an intruder being able to hide behind foliage. If you are able to invest in a CCTV system like those available from JMC Secure, it is recommended that you do so. Always ensure that your house name or number is clear and easily legible, as this will make your property easy to identify if the emergency services have to be called.
Going Away on Holiday
If you’re planning to go away on holiday, ask a trusted friend, neighbour or extended family member to look in on your house periodically. They can open and close the curtains and prevent mail from piling up inside the front door, to give the property the appearance of constant habitation. Many thieves prey on empty homes while the owners are away. Remember that leaving the front door key under a rock, mat or loose tile is not a good idea, because these can easily be discovered by intruders.