Choosing the Right Car Seat to Protect Young Children

Choosing the Right Car Seat to Protect Young Children

Cost, reliability, performance, and fuel efficiency are some of the factors people look for when buying a car. It’s a major purchase and dependable transportation is a vital part of daily living. Safety is the most important part of driving and should never be neglected when choosing a car. Airbags, antilock brakes, and other safety equipment play an important role in keeping you and your passengers safe.

Infants and children need special consideration. Standard car seats are designed for adults. When transporting your little ones, it’s important to choose the right car seat to protect them.

Rear-Facing Infant Seat

Perhaps you’ve purchased a new Nissan for sale and now you need to make it safe for your kids. From newborn to about two years of age, or 5-40 pounds, a rear-facing car seat is the safest choice. Be sure to read the label carefully to make sure the seat suits your child. 

Forward-Facing Seat

Once your child has reached the toddler stage, a forward-facing seat should be used. Kids are now at an age where the straps won’t harm them in an accident. The National Highway Transportation Safety Administration can help you choose the right type on their website. 

Booster Seat

Older children who are not quite big enough to use a regular seat belt should be in a booster seat. Children between the ages of 8 and 12 usually can use a booster seat but their size and weight are the most important factors. The seat places them high enough that the seat belt can fit comfortably and safely around them.

Read Labels

When purchasing any type of car seat, read the labels carefully. Make sure the manufacturer has adhered to all federal safety standards. The label will also tell you what size and weight range the seat is designed for and how to install and use it properly.

Never Buy Second-Hand

Buying second-hand or preowned items is a common way to save money. However, when it comes to car seats, always buy new. You have no way of knowing whether or not a used car seat has suffered any damage, whether it was ever used improperly, and whether it is still capable of doing the vital job it was designed for. Don’t take chances with your children’s safety. 

Have the Seat Inspected

Even if you have purchased a quality brand that meets federal safety standards, you can never be too careful when protecting your little ones. You can locate a car seat technician near you on the Safe Kids Worldwide website. The tech will inspect the seat and ensure that it is safe before you use it. They can also show you the proper way to install it and how to strap in your child correctly for maximum safety and comfort.

Protect Your Children

There is no cargo more precious than a child. They must be protected while riding in a car. Until your kids are big enough to use seat belts, they should be riding in a car seat. Choose the proper type for your child and have it inspected to make sure it is high-quality, safe, and that you are using it correctly. 

About the author
Mrs. Hatland is a 30-something married, mom of 7 and the face behind the popular online publication, Motherhood Defined. Known as the Iowa Mom blogger by her local peers and “The Fairy Blogmother” worldwide. She has professional experience in working closely with clients on brand ambassadorships, client outreach services, content creation and creative social media advertising exposure.

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