4 Great Ways To Guide Your Teen Towards A Higher Education

As a parent, helping your teen to look toward their future can be a challenging task. While you may know all that lies ahead, your teen may likely be focused on only their present time in high school. However, teens whose parents are actively involved in encouraging higher education are more likely to complete their education and be successful in their career. To help you guide your teen towards higher education, here are four great ways to inspire your child while preparing them to make the best choices for their future.

4 Great Ways To Guide Your Teen Towards A Higher Education

Encourage Community Service

Teenagers who expand their vision to include others are more likely to look further into their future. By encouraging your child to volunteer, you will be helping them to build the skills they will need to be successful in their university studies. Additionally, included community service on their college applications can help them stand out from the competition.

Explore Different Types of Careers

Many teenagers have limited knowledge of the types of careers that are available to them for their future. While everyone knows that doctors and firefighters are important to our community, your child may be intimidated by other careers that might be just as suitable for their personality. Therefore, talk about different careers that might spark their interest. For example, a teenager who is interested in justice may find that studying law will tap into their natural skills, and a teenager who has an interest in math and spreadsheets may find business careers such as a budget analyst, management analyst, or accountant appealing.

Tour a College Campus

Although high schools are getting larger, many teenagers may be nervous about attending a college campus. Therefore, take them to their preferred school and give them a tour. Even for students who will be attending higher education online, just visiting a college campus can get them into the mindset that attending higher education will be the right choice for meeting their goals. While touring, be sure to point out interesting features such as game rooms and labs.

Discuss Degree Programs

Having a goal is a great way to get your teenager interested in higher education. Ask them about their interests or what they might like to be once they have completed their education. It can also be helpful to mention specific degree programs. For example, a student who is interested in becoming a lawyer may find it helpful to know about the requirements for an employment law masters degree. Once you have nailed down a few possible degree programs, help your teenager search for one that offers their selected degree. This way, they will begin to envision themselves as an active participant in higher education.

About the author
Mrs. Hatland is a 30-something married, mom of 7 and the face behind the popular online publication, Motherhood Defined. Known as the Iowa Mom blogger by her local peers and “The Fairy Blogmother” worldwide. She has professional experience in working closely with clients on brand ambassadorships, client outreach services, content creation and creative social media advertising exposure.

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