The holidays are often touted as being “the most wonderful time of the year,” but some people are left feeling stressed out, burned-out, and counting the days until the holidays are over and life goes back to normal.
No, you’re not a grinch–you’re just stressed.
The number one way we stress ourselves out is by overthinking. There are a lot of decisions to make during the holidays, whether it’s planning meals, accommodating family members from out of town, or shopping for gifts. What are some things you can do to simplify your to-do list?
With shopping lists to check off, food to prepare, budgets to keep, and people to please, we often get so caught up in the details of trying to make everything perfect that we forget to take care of ourselves. The holidays can and should be enjoyable to you too! There are plenty of ways to increase the zen and decrease the anxiety during this year’s holiday season. Uncle Bud’s CBD products are a big help when it comes to decreasing holiday stress. Here are some big areas where you can infuse some simplicity and reduce stress this holiday season:
1. Events: Overscheduling is one of the main things that can quickly lead to burnout during the holiday season. You don’t need to schedule a bunch of complicated, holiday-themed outings to have fun. Plan simple activities for your family that are close to home. Cuddling up on the couch for a Christmas movie, or blasting holiday music and taking a drive around town to look at the lights can be just as fun.

2. Gifts: When it comes to buying gifts for neighbors, acquaintances, teachers, and distant family, buy the same thing, and buy it in bulk. A small candle, a simple ornament, a festive hand-soap are great options to stock up on for simple, yet thoughtful gifts. You can also go for a hemp gift set that will not only take the stress out of the gift recipients day but also provide a gift that offers a variety of items for them to enjoy.
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3. Gift Wrapping: If you don’t want to spend time on gift-wrapping…don’t! Whether you buy gifts on the internet or in a store, most places will gladly wrap your gifts for a small fee. You can also buy nice-looking but affordable gift bags and tissue paper, which makes the process foolproof, quick, and still looking festive.

4. Sleep: Sleep is an essential function that allows your body and mind to recharge. Yet, we often find ourselves lacking in this area. It could be holiday stress causing us to lose those precious hours of sleep or just doing too much. Healthy sleep and I mean “uninterrupted sleep” helps the body remain healthy and stave off diseases. This is especially important during the winter months and the holiday season. Without enough sleep, the brain simply cannot function properly. When we are under stress or having trouble with getting our body relaxed enough to sleep, seeking helpful aids like Uncle Bud’s CBD Sleep Gummies is a good solution. Allowing us the calmness we need to get the rest we deserve.
5. Free Time: We are so quick to schedule time for others, but rarely do we clear a block of time for ourselves. At the beginning of each week during this holiday season, sit down with your planner or calendar and see where you can fit in some time to relax at home and enjoy yourself. Whether it’s sitting by the tree, reading a book, taking a bath, or having some one-on-one time with a family member, scheduling downtime on your calendar is a great way to make sure you have time to slow down and enjoy the holidays.
The holidays go by in a flash, but a little mindfulness can help you live in the moment and enjoy this special time of year. Take time this season to slow down. You deserve to enjoy the holidays and make happy, stress-free memories with your loved ones. It’s nice to give to others during the holiday season, but we shouldn’t forget to give ourselves the gift of time and relaxation. If you take good care of yourself, your holidays will be less stressful and more fun. After all, you deserve to enjoy some silent nights!

I usually use CBD gummies to help me relax.
Buying Christmas gifts in bulk is a great idea for teachers or neighbors and having free time to yourself is definitely important
I am all about relieving stress especially with this pandemic still going on so thank you for this! I will definitely try these. Plus the Hemp(z) lotion/products smell so good lol 😋
Plus I could definitely use some of those CBD Gummies.!! I’ve been waking up all hours of the night yet falling asleep early…
My favorite tip is to not over schedule yourself. I don’t want to feel like I have too much on my plate that it feels impossible to be everywhere and get everything done. I like to be busy, but I don’t like to be stressed out or feel so burnt out that I don’t enjoy the holidays.