HD Smart TV Basic Glossary Terms

HD Smart TV Basic Glossary Terms

Believe it or not, smart TVs actually scare people. Not like a horror movie, dark alley-type scared, but more like an intimidated-like scared–a sort of fear of the unknown, so to speak. Consumers hear the word “smart” with a clear understanding that it means the “newest” or “latest” technology, however they don’t really know what that entails, outside of the obvious capabilities. They know that it connects to the web, they know it has a big, bright pretty picture that impresses people, and that’s pretty much it, but that’s okay. We’re all pretty much lighthouse shoppers who buy things just to “keep up with the Joneses,” so we understand that sort of fear when buying, that’s why we’re here to help. Let’s get familiarized with the most common features of what qualifies as a “smart TV.”

Internet Accessible

This feature will be described with the terms, “Wi-fi” accompanied by a tiny symbol with (5) five radial bars signifying broadcasting reception levels, ranging from weak (the single dot lit), to strong (all five bars completely lit). This is the standardized symbol that can also be found at the top of the notification bar on your cell phone, as well as all other internet accessible devices.

Installed Apps/Software Compatible

When perusing the smart TV inventory, you will spot logos for Netflix, Amazon, Hulu, YouTube, Google, Pandora and others, on a sticker somewhere along the bottom of the TV’s screen, or on its box. This is an indicator that not only is this a smart TV, but it comes with software already loaded for you. It will house all of the most popular media platforms, remembering your login information for convenient, instant access. 

High Resolution Display

High quality picture displays are measured in pixels, so the more a smart TV has, the better. Additionally, when streaming internet content, the faster the refresh rate the better. The earlier models were formatted in 480 or 720p, which is now obsolete. Although they are still present in some low-tech households, slowly fulfilling their life span, they are no longer in production and in most stores, they have been completely phased-out and are practically being given away online. The most common, popular format is the HD (high definition) 1080; compatible with gorgeous Blu-Ray technology, offering a full, satisfying graphics display with a price-point that is friendly to the average budget. If you are looking to be :The House That The Super Bowl Watch-Party Built,” then get the biggest 4K Ultra Smart TV on sale your money can afford because it is the absolute best on the market. In fact, it is literally twice as good as the HD 1080.

Bluetooth Compatible

The home theater experience isn’t complete without a surround sound system to compliment a high def display. Pair your smart TV to your favorite Bluetooth speakers, to get that IMAX movie experience right in your own home. Create a playlist on Pandora and use your smart TV to blast all your favorite songs through those awesome speakers. Need to “keep it down?” Pair it with your Bluetooth compatible headphones and have some private time listening.


Long gone are the days of the floor model TV consoles. Even though they eventually figured out the need for a design to fit perfectly in a corner 90-degree angle, it was too little, too late. A few years back, there was even a stylish “curved” model, in a transparent casing I once saw that was very pleasing to the eye that is probably curbside for trash pick-up. Why? Because now, most smart TVs are equipped for mounting on the wall, as an added space-saver, and for better viewing purposes. I’ll admit, a mounted smart TV does add a special touch to a room, providing a more pleasurable watching experience.

HDMI Device Ports

Smart TV connection ports are plenty. The most important of these ports are the HDMI (high definition media interface) used for connecting video consoles, Blu-Ray disc players and other compatible devices. The best smart TVs have the most HDMI ports with a minimum of (4) four connections. These porI make it possible to display audio and visual content in the highest possible quality, without compromise. Clearly, it’s what separates the smart TV from the basic.

Feeling a little less intimidated about what you know about smart TVs, aren’t you? Good for you. Now friends, go forth and shop with confidence. Spend it all in one place!

About the author
Mrs. Hatland is a 30-something married, mom of 7 and the face behind the popular online publication, Motherhood Defined. Known as the Iowa Mom blogger by her local peers and “The Fairy Blogmother” worldwide. She has professional experience in working closely with clients on brand ambassadorships, client outreach services, content creation and creative social media advertising exposure.

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