4 Things To Know About Public Health Education

4 Things To Know About Public Health Education

Public health is a broad field that aims to improve people’s quality of life by concentrating on the community. A public health issue is anything that might have an impact on the well-being of a community. Public health professionals ensure the conditions necessary for people to be healthy through scientific research and health education. It could entail vaccinating children and adults to stop the spread of disease or informing people of the dangers of alcohol and tobacco. 

The Importance of Public Health

To promote health, prevent disease, and give people the tools they need to manage their disabilities and illnesses, the field of public health is essential. Millions of people worldwide could benefit from every scientific discovery, public awareness campaign, and new policy. Public health integrates research, investigation, and action to determine the underlying causes of health issues and create long-lasting, creative solutions that improve everyone’s quality of life.

Public health professionals make sure that everyone in the community has equal access to basic needs like food, shelter, transportation, and employment. Public health contributes to the fight against major illnesses like dementia, diabetes, heart disease, and hypertension that affect entire societies through community education.

If you are considering a career in public health education, this article will act as a guide to provide you with all the necessary details. Read on to find out more.

1- What Can You Do with a Degree in Public Health?

A public health degree will help you gain fundamental knowledge and skills needed to understand and address several issues in fields and industries, including those you see in the news every day, such as health care policy, firearm safety, etc. 

People with public health degrees, such as a health promotion masters degree, keep communities healthy, safeguard employees, prevent and address pandemics, shape public policy, lead disaster relief efforts, and do so much more. Public health researchers, practitioners, and service providers are at the forefront of nonprofits, community organizations, higher education, the government, the private sector, and the healthcare industry. 

You will learn how the environment in which people live impacts their health outcomes if you choose to pursue a career in public health. You’ll also learn how collaboration among public health professionals makes it possible to identify these conditions and create interventions to address them.

2- What is the role of a Public Health Educator?

Public health education aims to instruct those who are most in need of health-related information on how to choose healthy lifestyles, have routine checkups, prevent disease, and receive necessary treatment.

The following are just a few of the general duties of a health educator:

  • Measure and evaluate the level of public health. 
  • Evaluating the community’s educational needs in health.
  • Identify potential health risks and look into them to determine what is causing them. 
  • Plan, promote and implement policies that support public health initiatives. 
  • Maintaining community-based public health initiatives. 

Furthermore, a public health system must also incorporate and deliver the 10 essential services provided by American Public Health Association (APHA) framework.

3- What are the career opportunities in Public Health?

Given the enormous significance of public health, there are numerous positions available in this field in both the public and private sectors. A public health degree can position future workers for rewarding careers with significant impact potential.

According to a BLS report from 2022, the national median annual wage for all professions in May 2021 was $45,700. The median annual wage for healthcare professionals was $75,000. Jobs in the field of public health are also expected to grow by up to 13% by 2031, which is encouraging.

Following are some of the roles you can take on with public health education:

Public Health Policy Adviser:

Public health policy advisers play a critical role in the evaluation process to ensure that government agencies’ and organizations’ policies are effective. They write research papers and reports that detail and defend these regulations. They aid public health professionals in determining which health issues should receive the most attention and focus for various populations.

Public health nurse:

Public health nurses educate communities about a range of health issues. The following are examples of possible job responsibilities:

  • Collecting and studying general medical data. 
  • Determining a patient’s health status and developing a treatment plan. 
  • Collaborating with public health authorities to improve access to care for underserved communities. 
  • Building a rapport with patients and checking in to see how they’re doing. 
  • Taking part in health education programs and staying up to date with developments in the public health field. 

Education Program Manager:

Managers of education programs are in charge of assuring that public health education initiatives are as successful as possible in achieving their objectives. They gather and examine patients and act on client feedback to determine how the programs can be improved. They divided their time between participating in public health education activities and conducting data analysis using feedback and other program effectiveness indicators.

4- What are the skills required for Public Health Educators?

Educating others about public health is a great way to improve people’s lives. While advanced educations, such as a master’s degree and credentials are necessary, additional soft skills also make a significant difference, including:

Social Skills: Health educators frequently encounter diverse communities. Strong social and cultural competence can be helpful when it comes to sharing knowledge with a diverse group of people.

Communication Skills: Since they act as a liaison between communities and healthcare professionals and impart their expertise and research to the public, they must have excellent communication skills. 

Organization Skills: For public health educators to effectively plan and coordinate health education programs, resources, and activities, they must possess strong organizational skills.

Problem-solving: Skills in problem-solving are also necessary for health education. The health educator should be able to comprehend the specific issues that patients are experiencing, try to find a solution, and provide the best option almost immediately.


The role of public health educators in preparing communities to respond to unanticipated disease outbreaks cannot be overstated. By instructing individuals directly and providing healthcare professionals with training on how to reduce health risks and develop healthy habits, they also assist people in making daily healthy life decisions. 

As society learns the many advantages of disease prevention and health promotion, there is a growing need for qualified public health educators. A career in public health education enables professionals to improve their communities and enhance the lives of millions of people.

About the author
Mrs. Hatland is a 30-something married, mom of 7 and the face behind the popular online publication, Motherhood Defined. Known as the Iowa Mom blogger by her local peers and “The Fairy Blogmother” worldwide. She has professional experience in working closely with clients on brand ambassadorships, client outreach services, content creation and creative social media advertising exposure.

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