Best Toys for Boys: Spinzipz #HotHolidayGifts2017

Best Toys for Boys: Spinzipz #HotHolidayGifts2017

Spinzipz is the light up fidget spinner that will bring that bright smile to their face this holiday season. At $5, this is the perfect stocking stuffer or exchange gift when on a budget. Think those classroom exchanges and gift trees where you play pass the unknown package. You can count on Spinzipz to be a winner every time.

Best Toys for Boys: Spinzipz #HotHolidayGifts2017

Available in 3 colors: Red & Blue, Blue & Green and Green & Red, Spinzipz offers a selection of quality and fun for boys and girls of all ages. In fact, dad and his buddies all own and love their fidget toys! So this is not only for the young ones but anyone with stressful job or someone who just likes to stay busy with their hands. Science says those that have trouble staying on task will be more level when they are allowed to focus that nervous energy elsewhere. Win, win for so many reasons!

Spinzipz are simple to use. Simply place between your index finger and thumb, then flick the color end to start the spin motion. With Spinzipz, a color will light up as the spin action occurs giving it a cool leg up on your traditional spinner.

Best Toys for Boys: Spinzipz #HotHolidayGifts2017

Zing thinks not only about value but also quality, creating Spinzipz from high grade materials. The bright motion sensor and double LEDs in combination with the ceramic bearings provide a unique stable unit far above some of the others we own. Our Spinzipz has been dropped and has become a favorite toy of our bengal kitty to steal. It has survived the use of a 7 year old with ADHD as well. I have to say, we are impressed with the way it withstood these activities with ease.

Best Toys for Boys: Spinzipz #HotHolidayGifts2017

As I mentioned our kitty loves to borrow Spinzipz for his own. Ellis will spin it on the table or floor with his paw and watch the lights with amazement. I have to say, it was a surprise to see the first few times and now we given in and purchased one for his own. Spoiled baby!

All in all, I have been very happy with Spinzipz and can see myself giving them as gifts not only to my son’s friends but also my own. This is a universal calming tool that can double from toy to stress relief. Who knew $5 is all it took to bring joy to the Christmas tree!

Have you tried Spinzipz? Who do you know that would love to have on of these this holiday season?


About the author
Mrs. Hatland is a 30-something married, mom of 7 and the face behind the popular online publication, Motherhood Defined. Known as the Iowa Mom blogger by her local peers and “The Fairy Blogmother” worldwide. She has professional experience in working closely with clients on brand ambassadorships, client outreach services, content creation and creative social media advertising exposure.