The fact that you have an infant can sometimes stop you from dreaming of vacations and flying. Usually, people think that a baby on board can cause a lot of problems for both parents and other passengers. Therefore, mothers feel anxious before the flight, and think about whether it will be possible to breastfeed there, how the child will react to changes in this situation and what will be the reaction of the passenger who will be sitting next to you. These are quite common questions that concern young parents before the trip. But we must remember that breastfeeding is not prohibited on board, and moreover, some companies worry about it and make feeding even more convenient. You just need to know some nuances and rules to make this process more enjoyable for both you and your child. So read all the necessary information below.
Tricks to make flying easier for your baby
Sometimes there are some situations that make breastfeeding demanding or even impossible. While being on the plane a lot of moms prefer using baby formula. You don’t need to hide or feel shy while nursing. There are even liquid baby formulas that are ready to eat and don’t require any preparation. So it’s quite easy to use and you don’t need any additional supplies.
But if you choose breast-feeding, it’s better to know these tricks to make the process more comfortable.
1. It is recommended to have an aisle seat for nursing mothers. Believe that it will be easier to change the diaper, have access to the restroom or simply stand up while it’s needed. For passengers with babies an aisle seat is the best choice in case of any emergencies.
2. But, on the other hand, a window seat will give you more privacy. That way, you can turn your back to the crowd, feed your baby and relax. So it’s definitely up to you and your preferences.
3. Don’t go to the restroom to breastfeed. Sometimes feeding your baby takes a lot of time. It’s not a good idea to make all the passengers wait for 20 or more minutes to use the toilet. Moreover, only imagine how many germs you can catch in this tiny bathroom. So it’s surely not the best idea for you.
4. Taking off and landing are quite nerve-racking for adults as well as for babies. They can feel discomfort during these processes so you need to do everything possible to make your little one feel better. One of the ways to do so is to feed your baby during taking off and landing as it will distract your baby and make him or her feel calmer.
5. Don’t be shy to ask for help. If you’re flying with a breastfed baby for the first time you may be nervous about it. So it’s always possible to talk to one of the female flight attendants about nursing concerns and she may help you to find the best place for feeding your baby. You also may ask another passenger if it’s okay to nurse your baby next to him or her, or even change seats if it’s possible.
What supplies do you need to have?
If you feel some discomfort while breastfeeding your baby and you feel better with a cover, bring a blanket or nursing cover with you. You can find some other alternative as a scarf or another piece of clothes which not only will cover you from other eyes but also keep you warm if it’s cold.
The next advice is mostly for the mothers’ convenience. It’s using a suitable top for nursing on a plane. Choose the one that pulls away easily and quickly. A lot of mothers prefer tops that come apart at the top and do not cause any inconvenience. But make sure you know how to use it correctly before the flight. Otherwise, your baby will be crying and attracting the attention of other passengers while you try to unbuckle your top.
If you choose to pump your breastmilk and use it during the flight, don’t forget your breast pump and a small cooler bag. That’s how you will be able to store your milk and feed your baby later.
So these easy but important actions can make you feel calmer before the flight as you will be prepared for some difficulties. A lot of mothers breastfeed their babies on the plane and it doesn’t cause any problems. So take into account all these tips and enjoy your flight!